All my life I've struggled ...
I used to eat because I was SAD...

The first thing I want to do is Thank You in advance for taking the time to read my emails...
I used to eat because I was MAD...
I used to eat because I was BORED...
Maybe you can relate? ...
After almost losing my father at age 12, food became my drug...
You've been through rough times in your life too right?
You see I haven't always been a "health nut"...
In fact, I've fallen FLAT ON MY FACE more times than I can count...
And I'm still not perfect...
Nobody is right?
But if there's one thing I DO KNOW..
It is EXACTLY what it takes to lose a ton of weight...
what it takes to resist temptation...
what it takes to overcome food addiction...
what it takes to stay motivated and consistent...
what it takes to break bad habits...
what it takes to achieve lasting results...
How do I know you ask?
Because I've done it...
Here's my proof if you haven't seen it:

The first thing I want to do is Thank You in advance for taking the time to read my emails...
From the bottom of my heart, it really means a lot...
All I want is for YOU to experience the BODY, the ENERGY, and the CONFIDENCE you deserve! ...
Don't you want that?
And I know for a fact that if you stay connected with me over the next week and keep opening my emails...
You WILL be on your way to the BODY, the ENERGY, and the CONFIDENCE you deserve! ...
Does that sound good?
Okay perfect...
So here's THE FIRST thing you need to know...
if you don't know WHAT your goal is or more importantly WHY you want to achieve it, you might as well be flailing in the wind....
That is why My First Law Of A No Fail Successful Transformation is to FIND YOUR WHY!!
I promise if you can figure this out, and always remind yourself of it... you will be SHOCKED at what you're able to do! ...
But whatever you do, DON'T MISS MY EMAIL TOMORROW!
Because tomorrow I'm going to share some pretty DEEP STUFF with you!
Be sure to check out my website to see how you can get a kickstart on your weight loss!
With LOVE always,
Amber Davis